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Why Study in USA

Learn why students adore attending US universities!

The United States of America (USA) has established itself as the leading destination for international students across the globe. The exceptional quality of education, unparalleled curriculum, culturally diverse environment, and abundant opportunities are among the many reasons why a significant number of Indian students aspire to pursue their studies in the USA.

Intakes available in the USA

In contrast to the singular intake system observed in Indian universities, American higher education institutions provide three distinct intakes, which may also be denoted as semesters. Taking into account the academic calendar, the available intakes in the United States comprise the following:

  • Fall: An in-demand intake option for many Indian students, Fall commences in the month of September, marking the beginning of the academic year.
  • Spring: This intake initiates in January and is a suitable alternative for students who could not enroll in the September intake.
  • Summer: Limited programs and colleges offer the Summer intake, typically starting in May.

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Are you curious about your eligibility to gain admission into your ideal university? With IDP Fastlane, you can receive an in-principle offer within mere seconds! Simply input your preferences to discover and curate a list of relevant courses, provide your academic information, and brace yourself for a prompt response from your dream institution.

Student visa requirements for the USA

The USA Government bestows three distinct categories of student visas.

1 F-1 Student Visa To enrol in a USA college or university that is accredited, or to learn English at a language school
2 J Exchange Visa (J-1) In exchange for exchange programme participation, high school and university study
3 M Student Visa (M1) in the USA for non-academic or vocational training
For detailed information, please visit the USA Government’s Department of State website.
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Cost Of Study in USA

In the United States, institutions of higher learning are primarily classified under two distinct categories: Public/State and Private. The cost of education at a public/state university is relatively lower when compared to that of a private institution. The expenses incurred towards tuition fees vary depending on the nature of the academic program and the particular university or school selected. As an approximation, to meet the tuition fee requirements, an amount ranging from $8,000 to $55,000 (USD) per year may be necessary (indicative).

English language studies $1000 to $2,000 a month
Community colleges $6,000 to $20,000 per year
Undergraduate bachelor degree $20,000 to $40,000 per year
Graduate programs $20,000 to $45,000 per year
Doctoral degree $28,000 to $55,000 per year

Top courses to study in the USA

The following are the foremost disciplines prioritized by global scholars:

  • Engineering and computer science courses
  • Life science courses
  • Business management courses

Scholarships to study in the USA

The quantum of financial resources at disposal, along with the nature of accolades offered, is subject to variation across different academic institutions. Specific research initiatives may furnish full coverage of tuition fees in addition to a partial disbursement towards your subsistence costs.

Several esteemed scholarship programs are available for Indian students seeking to pursue academic opportunities in the United States. Herein, we present some of the most well-regarded programs to assist in your pursuit of higher education.

1 Fulbright- Nehru Fellowships (Government-funded) This scholarship is available to international students applying to master's or PhD programmes; it pays tuition fees, accident and illness insurance in accordance with USA rules, flights, and living expenses.
2 Hubert Humphrey Fellowship Program (Government-funded) This programme, which is a component of the Fullbright programme, seeks to sponsor a skilled young or mid-career professional from a developing nation to study in the USA for 10 months while gaining relevant work experience without earning a degree.
3 #YouAreWelcomeHere Scholarship (Non-Government scholarship) It's a social media campaign and scholarship programme created to welcome overseas students into the USA higher education system, regardless of their field of study.
4 UEFA (Non-Government scholarship) This is a summer programme funded by Abbey Road Inc. that awards scholarships to high school students between the ages of 14 and 18 who display excellence in their academics and extracurricular pursuits.
5 AAUW International Fellowships (Non-Government scholarship) These fellowships are given to female students from other countries who wish to study and conduct research in the USA full-time. It aids graduate and postgraduate students who are recognised by USA colleges.

*This is an indicative list, speak with your IDP expert for details and the best available options suited to your profile

Please note: An MBA degree can cost significantly more, as can professional programs such as law, medicine, dentistry, some design programs, etc. Most doctoral degrees are 100% funded through research/teaching assistantships, research aid and bursaries

In order to effectively mitigate the costs of one’s education, it is advisable to explore the various scholarships offered to Indian students seeking academic opportunities in the United States.

Top universities to study in the USA (QS Ranking 2023)

Discover the ranking of your preferred American university through a comprehensive assessment.

1 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) 1
2 Stanford University 3
3 Harvard University 5
4 California Institute of Technology (CalTech) 6
5 University of Chicago 10
6 University of Pennsylvania 13
7 Yale University 18
8 Columbia University 22
9 Princeton University 16
10 Cornell University 20

Job prospects in the USA

Due to a dearth of skilled professionals in multiple sectors of the American job market, international students possessing aptitude and expertise are highly sought-after. These individuals have the opportunity to pursue a Skilled Worker Visa, which allows them to establish permanent residence in the United States while engaging in employment. Graduates are particularly favored in the USA, particularly in domains such as healthcare, film production, real estate, retail, agriculture, engineering, and information technology. Additionally, a diverse array of internship programs are available to international students.

Cost of living in the USA

Diverse living costs are prevalent across the United States, influenced by the country’s expansive geography. Typically, urban regions, particularly those situated in or near major metropolitan areas, are characterized by a higher cost of living in comparison to their smaller suburban or rural counterparts. It is imperative to take into account these routine expenditures when devising a comprehensive budget to obtain a well-rounded understanding of overall expenses in the US.

When formulating a comprehensive budget, it is essential to take into account the following expenditures:

Books and Stationery $500- $1,000
Travelling $500- $1,200
Food $2,500
Clothes and footwear $500
Miscellaneous expenses $2,000

*Note: All costs are indicative and may vary from region to region


Research universities and programs that are renowned for your particular major or field of study. Consult with academic advisors or study abroad offices for guidance.
Yes, studying abroad offers opportunities for weekend trips and exploring nearby destinations during breaks. Take advantage of your time abroad to experience new places.
Research the healthcare system of the host country and obtain appropriate health insurance coverage. Familiarize yourself with safety protocols and emergency contact information.
Each country has its unique cultural norms and practices. Educate yourself about the local customs, traditions, and social etiquette to avoid misunderstandings.
Yes, many universities offer a wide range of extracurricular activities and clubs for international students. Engaging in these activities helps you meet new people and broaden your experiences.
Stay connected with your home institution through email, online platforms, and communication tools. Inform them of your study abroad plans and keep them updated on your progress.
Some study abroad programs offer internship opportunities, allowing you to gain practical work experience in your field of interest. Inquire about internships available in your chosen program.
Most universities have dedicated international student support offices that provide assistance and guidance. Additionally, you can connect with local student organizations and clubs.